Parent Coordination

What it is and what it isn’t…

Parent Coordination near fairfax northern virginiaIt is important to note that Parent Coordination near Fairfax Northern Virginia is not therapy; rather, it’s a consulting service for parents who are separated or divorced, or who are anticipating separation or divorce.

With this service, your Parent Coordinator will assist you in finding agreements that maximize the benefit for both parents…

… while prioritizing the healthiest and most positive arrangements for any children involved.

Parent Coordination differs from Co-Parenting Counseling in that it is a future-oriented, goal-focused service…

… and it’s aimed at formulating custody agreements or resolving impasses based on prior agreements.

Getting to what’s best for the kids…

In our years of experience working with people who are separated, divorced, or blending families, we’ve seen that the primary concern for the vast majority of people is the impact it will have on their children.

The traditional approach of court and litigation can often yield results, but is that really what’s best for your kids? Attorneys are paid very well to get results for their clients, but their clients are not the children.

We approach the process with the children… working to get results for them, too.

Years of experience getting to “common ground”…

The Parent Coordinators at Family Wellness Group have years of experience addressing not only co-parenting problems, but also problematic relationships in general.

We excel at helping people find the “common ground” needed to work out differences and to re-focus their energy on what matters most: their children.

In Parent Coordination, we’ll meet with both Co-Parents together to formulate goals. We’ll begin right away with working toward compromise on any points of disagreement.

In the event of a true impasse, Co-Parents are encouraged to designate their Parent Coordinator with decision-making authority (but our Parent Coordinators have an extremely low rate of the need to exercise that authority).

We’re here to lessen the burden. Ask about parenting coordination in Fairfax Northern Virginia.

Are you left worrying about the emotional and financial costs of your custody disagreements?

Are you ready to embark on a less expensive, more acute process of formulating an agreement that not only works for you and your ex, but is the best-case scenario for your child or children as well?

Call (703) 732-6426 or email today to schedule an initial appointment or a free 15-minute phone consultation with an experienced Parent Coordinator near Fairfax Northern Virginia.

We also offer discernment counseling, family therapyindividual therapy and couples counseling.

We look forward to hearing from you!